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Privacy Policy

User is requested to READ terms and conditions CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER.

User is the person, group of person, company, trust, society, legal entity, legal personality or anyone who visits website, mobile app or gives missed call or places order with zemall via phone or website or mobile application or browse through website


Zemall reserves the right to add, alter, change, modify or delete any of these terms and conditions at any time without prior information. The altered terms and conditions becomes binding on the user since the moment same are unloaded on the website


Privacy Policy for Zemall

ZeMall is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share your personal information in connection with our ecommerce multivendor marketplace in Zambia.

  1. Information We Collect

We collect information that you provide to us when you create an account, make a purchase, or contact us for support. This information includes your name, email address, phone number, shipping and billing address, and payment information. We also collect information about your use of our website, such as your IP address, browser type, and pages you visit.

  1. How We Use Your Information

We use your information to provide our ecommerce marketplace services, including processing orders, communicating with you about your orders, and providing customer support. We also use your information to improve our website, personalize your experience, and detect and prevent fraud.

  1. Sharing Your Information

We may share your information with our third-party service providers, such as payment processors and shipping providers, to facilitate the delivery of your orders. We may also share your information with our vendors and sellers on our marketplace to facilitate your transactions. We may share your information with law enforcement or other third parties when required by law or to protect our rights.

  1. Security

We take reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or disclosure. We use SSL encryption to secure your sensitive information during transmission and store your information on secure servers.

  1. Cookies and Tracking

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your experience on our website and to personalize the content and advertisements we display to you. You can opt-out of certain tracking technologies by adjusting your browser settings.

  1. Changes to This Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the updated policy on our website and updating the “effective date” at the top of the policy.

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we use your information, please contact us at

Effective Date: March 24, 2023

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