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Terms & Condition

Terms and conditions


Terms and Conditions for ZeMall

Welcome to Zemall, an ecommerce multivendor marketplace in Zambia. These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern your use of our website, mobile application, and other services we offer (collectively, the “Services”). By accessing or using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not access or use our Services.

  1. Account Registration and Use

To use our Services, you must create an account by providing your name, email address, phone number, and other information we require. You are responsible for keeping your account information accurate and up-to-date. You are also responsible for maintaining the security of your account and password, and for any activity that occurs under your account.

You may use our Services only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You may not use our Services: (i) in any way that violates any applicable law or regulation, (ii) in any way that infringes the rights of others, (iii) to transmit, store, or receive any content that is offensive, illegal, or harmful, or (iv) to interfere with or disrupt our Services or networks.

  1. Buying and Selling on the Marketplace

Our marketplace allows you to buy and sell products from various vendors. We do not guarantee the quality or accuracy of any products listed on our marketplace, nor do we guarantee the performance of any vendors or sellers. All transactions are between you and the vendor or seller, and we are not responsible for any disputes, damages, or losses arising from your use of our marketplace.

When you purchase products from our marketplace, you agree to pay the listed price and any applicable taxes and shipping fees. We will collect payment on behalf of the vendor or seller and transfer the payment to them, less any applicable fees.

When you sell products on our marketplace, you agree to list the products accurately and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. You also agree to fulfill any orders you receive from buyers and to provide accurate shipping information.

  1. Fees and Payment
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